Nella Basilica San Lorenzo a Firenze Preghiera Ecumenica del Patriarca Ecumenico Bartolomeo I e del Cardinale Betori
3 May 2023 ,en,or fixed in the void or who speak or who beg,it,Great is the desire to look forward,it,even beyond problems,it,sometimes insurmountable,it,which are called Post Pandemia,it,emigration,it,Drought,it,environmental catastrophes,it,With confidence we look to the future of our Caritas,it,grateful to the many volunteers operating on our territory,it,through listening centers,it,the parishes and the vicariates,it,If we retrace the history of our diocesan Caritas - said Don Fabio Marella,it,Deputy Diocesan Caritas Director - We see that she was born and began to develop in situations related to natural disasters,it,like the different earthquakes and wars exploded at the gates of Europe,it,Also projected into an international dimension,it|
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Posted by: Frank Mariani
Nella Basilica di San Lorenzo a Firenze mercoledì 3 may 2023 si è tenuta una solenne Preghiera ecumenica presieduta da Sua Santità Bartolomeo I, Arcivescovo di Costantinopoli e Patriarca Ecumenico, in visita in città dove ha ricevuto laurea honoris causae dalla Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Centrale, e dal Cardinale Giuseppe Betori, Arcivescovo Metropolita di Firenze e Gran Cancelliere della stessa Facoltà.
Riprese video e foto di Franco Mariani.
Frank Mariani
By the number 428 – Anno X del 3/05/2023
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