Piaggeliadi 2015: the mini-Olympics among schools

Was the 28 March 1995 when the torchbearer Moussa Fall, athlete distance runner who competes for AXIS Bank Tuscany, winner a few months before the silver medal at the European Indoor Championships, entered the old stadium Brozzi, accompagnato da quasi 400 children, that with the torch created for the occasion symbolically lit the brazier, giving factual, with Don Santoro, the pastor of Piagge who gave his blessing, the start of the first edition of Piaggeliadi.

It's been 20 years since then, Mayors have changed - Mario Primicerius, Leonardo Dominici, Matteo Renzi, Today Dario Nardella - have changed the Councillors for Sports who have contributed so much to this initiative - Alberto Brasca, Eugenio Giani, Dario Nardella, Stefania Saccardi, Today Andrea Vannucci - but have not changed the Piaggeliadi.

The format is the same: miniolimpiadi del divertimento, cresciute come discipline, as the number of participants, as cooperating companies, as educational institutes participating; una manifestazione che ha saputo espandersi oltre il quartiere delle Piagge, beyond the province of Florence, over the Tuscan Region, till, from 2012, beyond Italian , the year in which this initiative was included in the program of "Florence European city of culture and sport”.

The Piaggeliadi survived thanks to the strength of all those who are working to spread this initiative within schools, thanks to those who daily responds to many of the parents email through the website, who during races organizes every single discipline, to those who are concerned to withdraw all enrollments of pupils in their Educational Institutes.

And if you are sopravvisute this must also aa all sponsors, con in prima fila Findomestic, che oramai da venti anni sostengono questa manifestazione, thanks to the City of Florence, which spares no effort to support in all its completeness the Piaggeliadi, but survived and live mainly due to the President of POL Florence West Piero Colzi together alderman to the sport of the City of Florence, each day brings new ideas, great love and passion; together have a great responsibility to continue playing and having fun, smiling thousands of children.

An event that has evolved with the support of the District 5, with then President Domenico Stumpo, first person charged Institutional who encouraged and supported the Piaggeliadi, e che coinvolse l’Assessore allo sport Alberto Brasca in quest’iniziativa, proseguita poi con l’impegno di Stefania Collesei e Federico Gianassi, and now Cristiano Balli, His successors have continued and continue to believe in this project was born in their Quarter.

Piaggeliadi is a sporting event that the City of Florence in collaboration with the POL West Florence organizes and promotes; basically a Mini Olympics Sports starring pupils in Primary Schools now coming from across the region and Tuscany, indicate how often the institutions, an extraordinary event in the 2014 ha visto il numero dei partecipanti raggiungere e superare la soglia dei 14.000 Participants of an aged 6 and i12 years.

"The Piaggeliadi are one of the most authentic sports events of our city - said the Councillor for Sports Vannucci – able to truly reflect the values ​​of sport, from health, education, togetherness fun. An opportunity for thousands of children, who in recent years have been able to get close to the sport in the most real and direct; an opportunity to play and grow, but also to compete in challenging real Olympics with record numbers. Pass by 396 Members of the first edition to 14 thousand of that of last year - continued Vannucci – is the most beautiful confirmation of a successful, not only for the organizers but for the whole city. With great pride I live my first edition of this event by Councillor for Sports in the year of twentieth anniversary. Thank POL Florence West and sponsors for their fundamental contribution. One huge organizational effort, with a commitment not only sports but also cultural. Piaggeliadi good at all ".

Piaggeliadi not just a gaming event sports, over time this initiative was responsible and also takes care of the social through Findomestic; In fact, each year are allocated 10 Scholarships worth 250,00 € that go to help those less fortunate families economically in school spending.

Moreover Findomestic, conscious that in primary school physical activity is often lacking and still insufficient, by 12 funding two years "projects school sports", which means an annual permit to a thousand elementary school children to learn a sport, attraverso istruttori qualificati che arrivano nella palestra del loro Istituto Didattico affiancandosi alle loro insegnanti nelle normali ore di attività motoria, pursuing the ministerial programs through play sports.

Since last year, the Company actively collaborates initiative sports Match Ball, dello storico Presidente Roberto Casamonti, Bagno a Ripoli, that provides its wonderful sports facility, one of the Tennis Club of Italy's most beautiful fully immersed in the green hills of Florence, to host the race of the roller skating rink; e nella volontà della collaborazione con Piaggeliadi, This is intended as a means of giving the possibility of a plant in the area for members coming from the south of Florence.

Even in Edition 2015, Foundation Artemio Franchi repeats the Competition "Ethics of Sport": in pratica ogni alunno delle scuole partecipanti a Piaggeliadi 2015 will do an elaborate precisely on Ethics of sport (written, photo or design ) and deliver it to their teachers which, at their sole discretion, choose the best two and deliver them to the Organising Committee, which in turn will extrapolate the 10 ai quali verranno concesse ad ognuno le Borse di studio del valore di 250 euro .

La novità nelle gare è rappresentata dal “Gioco dei Samurai” che si svolgerà al Pala Matteoli nella giornata del 19 April: a sort of race of Sumo, the well-known Japanese wrestlers, presented in a playful form motor. Ad oggi sembra che tale gioco attiri molti estimatori perché il numero degl’iscritti a tale gara è già molto interessante, despite the inscriptions are started only two weeks ago.

As for the Olympics real Saturday 4 April at 17 ci sarà la consueta Cerimonia d’Apertura presso il Palazzetto dello Sport Pala-Mandela Forum, dove si terrà la sfilata degli alunni iscritti in rappresentanza ognuno della propria scuola; everyone will receive the jersey, the hat and the flag of their school, and in a festive atmosphere along with Bandierai Uffizi and the Corteo Storico Fiorentino football will come before the four mayors who have succeeded in these 20 years and the Aldermen to sport.

Race days , times , places , regulations can be found on site www.piaggeliadi.it

Michael Lattanzi

The video interviews were carried out by Franco Mariani

By the number 50 - Year II 04/02/2015
