Valentine's Day at the Palazzo Vecchio to the Mayor with the spouses of 1967

"Today Florence embraces all lovers and Old Palace welcomes those who for 50 years were held hand in hand. The latter want to say thank you because they teach us that in life there are values ​​and human relationships that can last forever ". So the mayor Dario Nardella welcomed in the middle of the Salone dei Cinquecento 1.152 couples living in Florence who married in 1967 and this year are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. L’altra metà delle coppie è stata protagonista del turno pomeridiano della festa organizzata in loro onore dal sindaco.

The mayor in his speech defined the golden spouses "true revolutionaries": "Today if you want to do something against you succeed in building a life plan that hard or that shares the ambition to last forever. And I think this is revolutionary in a society in which objects and relationships often do not last long and will soon consume ".

Addressing the spouses in the Salon, The mayor then thanked them heartily on behalf of its staff and the city, "For you are the foundation of our community and because in the things that make us realize that you have an incredible energy and that this energy is often really the backbone of our city and our community. I always want to work with you more to fight one of the many enemies that we, or loneliness, we can win together - continued Nardella - in a society like today's loneliness it is around the corner, often is the sister of selfishness and only with the values ​​and witness of life you can fight. I'd like to share with you the projects that we can achieve together in Florence, a very cohesive cities but can do even more ".

Nardella also thanked those present because: "Do you see that love is like a big robust case that can last much, into which you can put many things: passion, il rispetto, confidence, the patience, complicity, happiness that we sometimes forget and which is free and you taught us that you can find it easily and you can find out in the next ".

During the ceremony a medley was shown of the main events that took place in 1967 when couples present at Palazzo Vecchio have sworn eternal love.

The video made me smile the celebrated to the sound of "Crazy Heart" by Bobby Solo, "Yellow Flag" by Gianni Pettenati and other songs of those years.

Spouses who have participated in the initiative received a tribute from Mayor Nardella a scroll depicting the Palazzo Vecchio signed by the Mayor. In addition to, they could freely visit the Museum of Palazzo Vecchio, Tower of Arnolfo including, which will be closed to the public for the entire day to allow development of the initiative.

Michael Lattanzi
By the number 147 – Anno IV del 15/2/2017

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