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Il Cardinale Betori consegna al Sindaco il Messaggio della Pace 2023 di Papa Francesco

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Cardinal Betori gives the mayor the message of peace,it,Cardinal Betori gives the mayor the message of peace,it 2023 di Papa Francesco

"Through the Pope's words transmitted by our bishop we renew the commitment of a cohesive community against unbridled individualisms and selfishness",it,The mayor Dario Nardella said it on the occasion of the traditional delivery,it,by the Archbishop of Florence,it,of the Pope's message for the World Peace Day,it,The ceremony took place in the presence of the president of the city council Luca Milani,it,of exponents of the junta,it,of the city council,it,and the presidents of the neighborhoods,it. Lo ha detto il Sindaco Dario Nardella in occasione della tradizionale consegna, martedi 31 January, da parte dell’Arcivescovo di Firenze, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, del messaggio del Papa per la Giornata Mondiale della Pace. La cerimonia […]