Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts» firenze1966-l’alluvione risorgere dal fango

Ritornano a Firenze dopo 51 anni i Carabinieri Alluvionati e Angeli del Fango

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Rov qab mus Florence tom qab 51 xyoo cov dej nyab tub ceev xwm thiab cov av nkos tub txib saum ntuj

Tom qab 50 xyoo, tsaib no, rau the occasion of 50 Yog ib lub Florence dej nyab ntawm 4 Kaum ib hlis 1966, los ntawm 700 uas tau, nyob rau hauv 100 Rov qab mus Florence thawj zaug txij thaum lawv tau ua haujlwm los tiv thaiv lub nroog thiab cov dej nyab Florentines lawv tus kheej., menyuam dua lawv kev ruaj ntseg h 24 ib hlis. Lawv yog cov […]

Il viaggio dopo 50 anni degli Allievi Sottufficiali Carabinieri del 59° Corso – Alluvionati e Angeli del Fango

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Cov lus tom qab 50 Cov Carabinieri ntawm hom kawm 59° xyoo – Dej nyab thiab av nkos tub txib saum ntuj

Peb yog rau cov tswv yim ntawm lub 51st Anniversary ntawm tus Florence dej nyab ntawm 4 Kaum ib hlis 1966. Tseem nyob hauv lub nroog no ciaj sia nco txog cov celebrations ntawm lub 50th Anniversary uas pom, Cov teg num ntau teg num, tus xa, raws nraim 50 xyoo, Cov hluas uas tau Carabinieri cov me nyuam kawm ntawv ntawm cov-Commissioned officer tsev kawm ntawv ntawm Piazza Stazione. Cov hluas, sawv daws khoom rau lub 59th […]