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Non è Natale senza il pranzo per gli emarginati di Sant’Egidio

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It's not Christmas without lunch for the marginalized of Sant'Egidio

Anche quest’anno l’Arcivescovo di Firenze Cardinale Giuseppe Betori ha partecipato al tradizionale pranzo di Natale offerto dalla Comunità di Sant’Egidio, with the contribution of the same archdiocese and various sponsors, ospitando quasi 500 people, between poor, emarginati, elders, children, families, che la stessa Comunità assiste tutto l’anno. Lunch this year it was possible to set a bed up with the valuable contribution of: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Florence, Ente Cassa […]

Oltre 3200 iscritti all’iniziativa che valorizza il Presepe

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In Addition 3200 enrolled in the initiative that enhances the Nativity

Accessions still rave for 12 th edition of Capannucce in city, the event that rewards all children and young people who make or help to make at home, in parish or school to the crib, true meaning of Christmas (pictured the awards last year). In Addition 3200 children (alcune iscrizioni stanno arrivando anche in […]

Cardinale Piovanelli operato e in convalescenza

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Cardinal Piovanelli operated and in convalescence

Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli, Archbishop Emeritus of Florence last week was rushed to the Hospital of Careggi, where it was subjected to an operation for intestinal problem. Come scrive il suo Segretario “preghiamo il Signore e la Vergine Salute degli Infermi, perché il nostro amato Cardinale possa al più presto ristabilirsi e riprendere il suo ministero […]

Gli auguri natalizi del Cardinale Betori

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Christmas greetings from Cardinal Betori

These Christmas greetings to the city of the Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, made for the traditional tribute by the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic. Franco Mariani Dal numero 45 – The Year of 24/12/2014

Cardinale Betori incontra la stampa su vari temi cittadini

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Cardinal Betori meets the press on various issues citizens

Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, as every year, before Christmas he met the local press for the exchange of greetings and traditional occasion answer all the questions that are presented. This year the questions involving the pastoral visit in the center of Florence, between families and markets, il presepe come affermazione […]

31 milioni di euro per il Grande Museo del Duomo di Firenze

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31 million euro for the Great Museum of Florence Cathedral

The Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore announced that it will invest 31 million euro in the monumental complex that makes up "The Great Museum of the Duomo of Florence". All operations are funded by the Opera - entity over 700 anni sovrintende alla custodia e conservazione del patrimonio ecclesiastico e non di piazza del Duomo - senza […]

Firenze: Presepe in terracotta sul Sagrato del Duomo

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Florence: Nativity in terracotta on the esplanade in front of the Cathedral

During the Christmas period the churchyard of the Cathedral of Florence from 2011, by the will of the Cardinal Archbishop Giuseppe Betori, as opposed to the tree Christmas that rages for years alongside the cathedral, is set up a nativity scene with artistic terracotta statues Impruneta, life-size, handmade by an artist of Impruneta, Luigi Mariani, […]

Firenze 2015: omaggio alla Immacolata Concezione

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Florence 2015: tribute to the Immaculate Conception

The full text of the Supplication to the Madonna directed by Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, for the traditional tribute, the Loggia del Bigallo, in Cathedral Square, in Florence, on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This year also dedicated to the next national event, in the Tuscan capital, Italian Episcopal Conference of November 2015. Le riprese […]

E’ tempo di Natale: il Cardinale Betori invita a fare il Presepe a casa, scuola e nei negozi

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AND’ Christmas time: Cardinal Betori invites to the crib at home, school and shops

The Cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Mons. Giuseppe Betori, once wrote an open letter to “dear boys and girls to care” the great Italian dioceses to invite, as part of the 13th edition of Capannucce in City, to make the crib in their own homes, but also at school and in the shops. The 13 anni un […]

Cardinale Betori in visita per 3 mesi nel centro storico

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Cardinal Betori visiting for 3 months in the historical center

With Vespers on Sunday to 18,30 in the Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata, Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori officially opened the Vicariate Pastoral Visit to St. John's, which includes the parishes of the historical center of Florence, between the Arno and the main ring. "The Vicariate of St. John - wrote the Vicar Father Mario […]