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RIFICOLONA 5: Omaggio alla Madonna dell’Impruneta

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RIFICOLONA 5: Homage to the Madonna of Impruneta

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

RIFICOLONA 4: Coro di CL Basilica Mariana dell’Impruneta

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RIFICOLONA 4: Choir of CL Marian Basilica of Impruneta

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

Each one vorta ride lever a nail to the coffin. Once again our Vecchi with their sayings remind us how important it is to be happy and how to enjoy the good moments of life to extend our stay on this earth. The Editors From the number 24 – The Year of 25/06/2014

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

San Giovanni is a vòle deceptions. Expression that our grandparents used during a game when there was a hesitation to assign a point or victory; replaying, who won, relied on what was then called the Rule of St. John, as if to say that it would be good also the first, without being forced, to enforce the point or victory, a replay of […]

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

June, la falce in pugno; se’ un è in pugno bene, luglio ne viene. Vecchio consiglio contadino che ricorda come il tempo giusto per tagliare il grano sia giugno, quindi né maggio, per paura che il caldo sole lo secchi, né luglio, quando ormai è già secco. The Editors From the number 20 – The Year of […]

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

Facascà di mano i’ bread. Far rimanere male, annientare l’entusiasmo,distruggere l’aspettativa, demoralizzare. The Editors From the number 17 – The Year of 7/05/2014

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

Christ and the lanternoni, always the most toccan balls. The saying refers to the processions of yore, where you carried the cross and big and heavy traffic. Means that the worst things always touch the tonti or dupes. The Editors From the number 16 – The Year of 30/04/2014

Detti e Proverbi fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs fiorentini

Mali, ailments and door fitting, (a) the’ poor from him. Le disgrazie non vengono mai sole e normalmente si accaniscono sempre contro i meno favoriti . By the number 11 – The Year of 26/03/2014

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

Fiorentin mangia fagioli, lecca piatti e romaioli. Proverbiale espressione che potrebbe apparire offensiva, ma che invece attesta il forte gradimento del fiorentino nei riguardi del fagiuolo cucinato, tanto da giustificare l’atto ineducato, del ripulire con la lingua il piatto e il romaiolo. Editorial by the number 2 – The Year of 22/01/2014