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Le chiavi della città di Firenze al regista Ron Howard

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Le chiavi della città di Firenze al regista Ron Howard

Il Sindaco di Firenze Dario Nardella ha consegnato le Chiavi della città al regista e attore americano Ron Howard, impegnato in queste settimane nelle riprese a Firenze della sua nuova produzione tratto dal romanzo “Hell” di Dan Brown. Le Chiavi, ovvero la riproduzione fedele delle chiavi delle antiche porte della città, sono un modo per […]

Prefettura: calano furti e rapine, nuovo piano di videosorveglianza

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Prefecture: calano furti e rapine, nuovo piano di videosorveglianza

Il Prefetto di Firenze ha comunicato che sarà rafforzato il presidio delle forze dell’ordine nelle aree di maggior attività commerciale e che verrà rivisto il piano di telecamere nel centro storico e in periferia. La decisione è stata presa dal comitato provinciale per l’ordine e la sicurezza pubblica, presieduto dal prefetto Luigi Varratta, a cui hanno […]

Missione in Giappone per Nardella e Mantovani

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Missione in Giappone per Nardella e Mantovani

Si è conclusa a Tokyo la prima parte della missione istituzionale in Giappone del Sindaco Dario Nardella e dell’Assessore alle Relazioni Internazionali Nicoletta Mantovani. La missione ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la città di Firenze a livello economico, turistico e culturale, e consolidare i rapporti tra il capoluogo toscano e il Giappone, in particolare tra Firenze e […]

Pasqua: Video Scoppio del Carro 2015

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Easter: Video Explosion of the Cart 2015

Video of the Explosion of the Cart 2015 in Piazza del Duomo, chaired by the Cardinal Archbishop, Giuseppe Betori, the Mayor and the highest city authorities, and with the participation of the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic. Just before the blast draw of tournament games of Calcio Storico Fiorentino, whose matches will be played in June. […]

A New York il Sindaco Nardella incontra il collega de Blasio

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In New York, Mayor Nardella meets fellow de Blasio

Institutional meeting with the Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio for Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella and the Deputy Mayor for International Relations Nicoletta Mantovani, during the mission to the Big Apple to promote cultural exchanges and investments to entrepreneurs and local investors. During the meeting with de Blasio, the Mayor reminded all artistic links […]

Presidente della Repubblica Mattarella prende la Tramvia a Firenze

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President Mattarella take the tramway in Florence

The Head of State Sergio Mattarella, after arriving yesterday morning in Florence, passing for Scandicci to attend the inauguration of the academic year of the School of the Judiciary, decided, to move to the periphery, to take the tramway. Waiting for the train station, the Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, who sat next to on the tram […]

Ricordato 29mo anniversario uccisione Sindaco Lando Conti

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Remembered 29th Anniversary killing Mayor Lando Conti

The Municipality of Fiesole and the Municipality of Florence recalled the 29th anniversary of the assassination of Lando Conti,it. Were present at the commemoration, in addition to the families and friends of the then Mayor of Florence, the Mayor of Fiesole Anna Ravoni and the Councillor for Economic Development of the City of Florence Giovanni Bettarini. La cerimonia si è svolta al Ponte […]

Al via i festeggiamenti per il 150 di Firenze Capitale d’Italia

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At the start of the celebrations for the 150 Florence Capital of Italy

The will del 3 February 1865, in a city brightly lit and packed by a crowd of senators, Deputies, civil authorities, military and ordinary citizens, King Vittorio Emanuele II made his entrance in Florence, just proclaimed the new capital of the young kingdom of Italy. The city had this role for just five years, but […]

Cardinale Betori parla in Consiglio Comunale

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Cardinal Betori speaks in the City Council

Monday afternoon in the Salon de 'Two Hundred in Palazzo Vecchio, during the traditional weekly session of the City Council, Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, handed over to the Mayor Dario Nardella, to the Board, the councilors and the Presidents of District the message of Pope Francis for 48 th World Day of Peace. "I thank Cardinal Betori for […]

App comunale per comportarsi in caso di emergenze naturali

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App municipal behave in case of natural emergencies

The problem of the Florentines, as all Italians, unlike other citizens of foreign countries, such as America, is to not know what to do in case of fire, floods, earthquakes or other natural disasters. This is why the City of Florence has decided, as well as to acquire, as required by the Act, by […]