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Paolo Fresco nuovo Presidente della Scuola di Musica di Fiesole

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Paolo Fresco new President of the School of Music in Fiesole

Paolo Fresco is the new President of the School of Music in Fiesole, lo ha annunciato il Sindaco di Fiesole, Anna Ravoni, which gave the delegation the illustrious countryman. The Advocate Fresh, former President of FIAT and manager of international renown, after spending most of his life abroad, elected his residence in Fiesole, where […]

Pedonalizzata Piazza del Carmine

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Pedestrianized Piazza del Carmine

Born in Oltrarno a new square to measure pedestrian, Piazza del Carmine. For the occasion, last weekend the area, finora utilizzata come parcheggio, ha ospitato numerosi eventi organizzati dall’Amministrazione comunale per festeggiare la novità e farla conoscere ai cittadini. La pedonalizzazione della piazza rappresenta il primo tassello del complessivo piano che riguarda l’intero quartiere dell’Oltrarno, un […]

Guida Flos Olei 2015: Fattoria di Ramerino nella Top 20 mondiale

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Guida Flower Oil 2015: Farm Ramerino the Top 20 mondiale

In recent days in Rome was presented the guide Flos Olei 2015, in which every year are reviewed Best 500 producers of extra virgin olive oil from around the world. This year the Farm Ramerino has received recognition as a "Top 20" in the category "Company of the heart", ovvero “azienda che si differenzia […]

10 Arazzi restaurati di Palazzo Vecchio esposti al Quirinale

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10 Tapestries restored Palazzo Vecchio exposed to the Quirinale

The National Savings Bank has financed the restoration of 10 tapestries of Palazzo Vecchio which will be exhibited at the Quirinale in the traveling exhibition "The Prince of Dreams. Joseph tapestries Medici Pontormo and Bronzino ", where total tapestries will 20, and it was officially presented, and with great pomp, at the Quirinale Palace. "It is a […]

Sindaco Nardella Babbo Natale per i bimbi malati

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Mayor Nardella Santa for sick children

As has become tradition, the Mayor of Florence, this time, for its first time, Dario Nardella, together with the Foundation Tommasino Bacciotti, brought gifts to children hospitalized at the pediatric hospital Meyer. The Mayor, dressed as Santa Claus, ha fatto gli auguri e consegnato buste con i doni della Fondazione ai piccoli pazienti ricoverati nei […]

Gli auguri natalizi del Sindaco Nardella alla città

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Christmas greetings to the city's Mayor Nardella

Il Sindaco di Firenze Dario Nardella ha iniziato il suo discorso per gli auguri natalizi alla città citando il dialogo tra due operai costruttori della cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, called to a company that seems to go beyond their strength, narrated by the Florentine poet Mario Luzi in his work 'Opus Florentinum'. La tradizionale cerimonia si è svolta […]

Sindaco Nardella su 2014 e 2015 per Firenze

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Mayor Nardella on 2014 and 2015 Florence

Budget of the Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, on 2014 and what will be for the city 2015, made for the traditional Christmas meeting of the First Citizen with the local press for a toast of good wishes. For Nardella, who began his tenure by just over six months, si è trattata della […]

Inaugurato percorso museale per visite agli scavi di Palazzo Vecchio

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Opened museum for visits to the excavations of the Palazzo Vecchio

Solemnly inaugurated the foyer of the Roman theater in the Palazzo Vecchio and the new layout of the archeological excavations, Now normally visible, Paid, how many rooms and places hitherto inaccessible Palace. "It is a historic achievement of which we are proud – said the mayor-is the result of an intervention that is […]

Pranzo di Natale targato Pinchiorri per Montedomini

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Christmas lunch weblog Pinchiorri for Montedomini

Was held Thursday 11 December in the exclusive and elegant atmosphere of the Hotel Four Seasons the traditional Christmas lunch offered by the Enoteca Pinchiorri elderly guests Montedomini. Annie and Giorgio Pinchiorri renewed for the fifth consecutive year their friendship against Montedoimini and his guests. Quest’anno poi all’Enoteca Pinchiorri si è aggiunta […]

Festival dei Popoli: all’Odeon sold out per documentario alluvione ’66

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Festival of Peoples: Odeon sold out for documentary flood '66

The Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, participating last Sunday at the Festival dei Popoli, dividing his time between the Cinera Odeon and the Florence Marathon, presented the documentary on the floods of 1966, "Florence, November '66 ", shot in 1966 da Mario Carbone, class 1924, present at the screening, and found in the Festival of Peoples, il festival del film […]