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Stories written by mariani
Director: Franco Mariani Franco Mariani, class 1964, journalist, Vatican analyst, one of the major historians of the flood in Florence 1966, he collaborates with several newspapers, television and radio, by numerous national and regional press offices. Began to work in journalism 1978, to 14 years, writing for some Catholic weekly. It is also expert in the International Festival of children's songs Zecchino d'Oro, also deals with cinema, television, show, Chronicle, and history of Florence. From 1993 also works on tv, and from the 2005 even on the radio. In journalism was the first editor-in-Chief of a journalistic Agency, He edited the first Teletext Rai regionale per la Toscana, The Teletext of Italy 7, and has directed three national newspapers. He collaborated with Rai, Rai Vatican, Mediaset, La7, Italia7; with some of these works still, as well as also cooperates with some Tuscan regional television stations. As an expert has participated in numerous national and regional broadcasts. Since the 1990s he has held various positions within the journalist profession, including national President of the College of Guarantors Catholic Italian press Union, Association recognized by the Italian Episcopal Conference, National Secretary of journalists press offices of the National Italian press Federation, Regional Secretary of Catholic Journalists of Tuscany, Regional Secretary of journalists press offices of Tuscany. He has published 5 historical books. For his professional achievements, at Easter 2012, He was appointed, Prince Carlo di Borbone delle Due Sicilie, Knight of merit of the sacred military Constantinian order of Saint George. He is the founder and President of Florence Promotes, already the Committee Pro Monumento ai Caduti del rione fiorentino di Ugnano.
Mostra su Gregorio Sciltian a Villa Bardini

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Show on Gregory Sciltian Villa Bardini

Large retrospective exhibition dedicated to the figure of Gregory Sciltian (Rostov 1898 - Rome 1985), the Russian painter and then naturalized Italian, that fleeing homeland following the upheavals of the Bolshevik Revolution, and after a long pilgrimage in European capitals, arrived in Italy in 1923 where he was able to operate for the entire […]

Settimana Santa: la Via Crucis dei Giovani nel centro storico

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Holy Week: Stations of the Cross Youth in the historic center

Grazie alle foto di Anna Zucconi, responsabile informazione della Caritas Diocesana, vi mostriamo, in occasione della Settimana Santa, la Via Crucis dei Giovani, organizzata dalla diocesi, snodatasi per le strade del Centro Storico di Firenze, e a cui ha partecipato l’Arcivescovo, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, con inizio in Cattedrale e fine in Oltrarno.         […]

“Il Tribuno Pretoriano” di Pino Campo

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“The Praetorian Tribune” Pine Camp

Roman Empire, Diocletian, Barbarians, legionnaires, Constantine, Terenzio, Prisco, Dacia and especially Livio Ventidio, are all protagonists of the new novel by Pino Field - The Tribune Praetorian. The novel is of historic,, the writer investigates facts and events recently treated in general, ha una buona capacità di trasportare lo scrittore all’interno della […]

“Jailbait – L’esca” di Lorenzo Vercellino

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“Jailbait – The bait” Lorenzo Vercellino

Lorenzo Vercellino, class 1972, lawyer by profession, begins with his first novel, entitled "Jailbait - Bait". The novel is full of surprises, all dialogue lies perfectly to every character that differs from all other, for characteristics. The backbone of the story is the inspector Massimo Meltemi, 37 years, lavora da tanti […]

“La setta delle tre erre” di Stefano Uggé

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“The sect of the three Rs” Stefano Uggé

Hot, magic is adrenaline, that's how you present the new novel by Stephen Uggè, entitled "The cult of the three Rs", 394 pages of a story overwhelming that will pull you into an endless abyss of all actions related to each other, without their knowledge. Sandro, Annette, Catherine, Simone, Marshal Of Old, family of Chinese, Vincenzo, […]

“Le tre regole” di Marco D’ambrosio

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“The three rules” Marco D'Ambrosio

Would you like to live without problems and have an open mind willing to every situation? Through the new book by Marco D'Ambrosio, "The three rules", can improve their way of thinking through small suggestions that the writer, life & wellness Coach, We also suggest using a number of small. The book is a paperback, collana […]

Lido di Camaiore “battezza” la 50ma Tirreno-Adriatico

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Lido di Camaiore "baptizes" the 50th Tirreno-Adriatico

Take today in the evocative setting of Lido di Camaiore, area very dear to the writer for having had the good fortune to travel by bicycle these roads, the fiftieth edition of the cycling race "Tirreno - Adriatico", the first major stage race of the national cycling calendar. The first edition was disputed in 1966 and […]

“Traversone” di Guglielmo Bin

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“Cross” William Bin

Comes the first novel by William Bin entitled "Cross". Class 1988, William lives in Pontinia (EN) where he works as a teacher, a great lover of music and sport, and "Cross" is his debut novel. Overwhelming, exciting, complex, intriguing, crafty, dispassionate: that's how you presented his first opera, 174 pages […]

“In treno vicino a Dante” di Fabio Sciarpelletti

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“By train near Dante” Fabio Sciarpelletti

Dear reader you know that type of book that can not miss in your library? Here, Today we'll talk about a novel that you will need to buy, that devour in just two hours because the story is so beautiful that you almost make you forget all the commitments that you should have done when reading. “In […]

A Firenze incontro sulla scuola di Papa Francesco

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A meeting on the Florence School of Pope Francis

In Florence on 11 March at 17,30 at the Convent of San Marco, Conference Hall (Chiostrini room), via della Dogana 3/r. will be presented the book "When the day was an arrow", Roberto Alborghetti, to celebrate the two years of the pontificate of Pope Francis. Il libro racconta l’itinerario tra le aule scolastiche di Papa […]