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Stories written by mariani
Director: Franco Mariani Franco Mariani, class 1964, journalist, Vatican analyst, one of the major historians of the flood in Florence 1966, he collaborates with several newspapers, television and radio, by numerous national and regional press offices. Began to work in journalism 1978, to 14 years, writing for some Catholic weekly. It is also expert in the International Festival of children's songs Zecchino d'Oro, also deals with cinema, television, show, Chronicle, and history of Florence. From 1993 also works on tv, and from the 2005 even on the radio. In journalism was the first editor-in-Chief of a journalistic Agency, He edited the first Teletext Rai regionale per la Toscana, The Teletext of Italy 7, and has directed three national newspapers. He collaborated with Rai, Rai Vatican, Mediaset, La7, Italia7; with some of these works still, as well as also cooperates with some Tuscan regional television stations. As an expert has participated in numerous national and regional broadcasts. Since the 1990s he has held various positions within the journalist profession, including national President of the College of Guarantors Catholic Italian press Union, Association recognized by the Italian Episcopal Conference, National Secretary of journalists press offices of the National Italian press Federation, Regional Secretary of Catholic Journalists of Tuscany, Regional Secretary of journalists press offices of Tuscany. He has published 5 historical books. For his professional achievements, at Easter 2012, He was appointed, Prince Carlo di Borbone delle Due Sicilie, Knight of merit of the sacred military Constantinian order of Saint George. He is the founder and President of Florence Promotes, already the Committee Pro Monumento ai Caduti del rione fiorentino di Ugnano.
Presidente della Repubblica Mattarella prende la Tramvia a Firenze

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President Mattarella take the tramway in Florence

The Head of State Sergio Mattarella, after arriving yesterday morning in Florence, passing for Scandicci to attend the inauguration of the academic year of the School of the Judiciary, decided, to move to the periphery, to take the tramway. Waiting for the train station, the Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, who sat next to on the tram […]

E adesso ti abbraccio” di Andrea Aromatisi

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And now I embrace” Andrea Aromatisi

Would you like to read a book that will help you to reflect on the nature, sul rapporto con essa e soprattutto nel rapporto con noi stessi? Oggi vi parlerò di un libro, molto interessante, breve ma intenso che ha come tema centrale la natura e la riflessione umana che, ognuno di noi dovrebbe fare. Lo scrittore è Andrea […]

“Lo stupro” di Alessandro Volpi

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“Rape” Alessandro Volpi

You know that type of book that after finishing reading leaves you with a sense of abandonment and melancholy? Here, the book which I will talk this week, has deposited in me a sense of discomfort, discouragement because I finished reading the book too quickly. E questo dovrebbe essere il senso di […]

Ricordato 29mo anniversario uccisione Sindaco Lando Conti

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Remembered 29th Anniversary killing Mayor Lando Conti

The Municipality of Fiesole and the Municipality of Florence recalled the 29th anniversary of the assassination of Lando Conti,it. Were present at the commemoration, in addition to the families and friends of the then Mayor of Florence, the Mayor of Fiesole Anna Ravoni and the Councillor for Economic Development of the City of Florence Giovanni Bettarini. La cerimonia si è svolta al Ponte […]

“Quando cala il buio” di Massimiliano Bellezza

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“When darkness falls” Massimiliano Beauty

Writing a book is a highly complicated, different elements come into play, But writing a novel thriller is even more. Today I'll talk about "When darkness falls", una storia molto intrigante scritta da Massimiliano Bellezza. Lui, aeronautical engineer, class 1979 è nato nella provincia di Torino e “Quando cala il buio” è il […]

“Tra le braccia di un sogno” di Alessia Cucè

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“In the arms of a dream” Alessia Cucè

Reading is a passion more beautiful that we can have: sitting comfortably, front of a fireplace, you have the opportunity to explore new realities simply reading and imagining: not fantastic? The feeling of exploring reality unknown to me dragged me during this weekend as a hurricane, tutto questo è stato possibile leggendo il romanzo […]

“Qualcosa non torna” di Gianluca Giusti

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"Something does not" Gianluca Giusti

This week I reviewed a book really interesting and unusual, he is not a writer by profession, indeed do something else in life, but the simplicity and irony used through his writing is a true masterpiece of his book a must have in your library. Gianluca Giusti, author of the book "Something does not", class […]

Il caso Nardini di Giuseppe Nardini

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The case of Giuseppe Nardini Nardini

The elements of a book that strike me during reading are always different: the pace, adjectives, dialogues, descriptions, details and so on. The last book I've had the pleasure of reading I was struck by his spontaneity, è scritto da Giuseppe Nardini e il titolo è “Il caso Nardini”. […]

Pedonalizzata Piazza del Carmine

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Pedestrianized Piazza del Carmine

Born in Oltrarno a new square to measure pedestrian, Piazza del Carmine. For the occasion, last weekend the area, finora utilizzata come parcheggio, ha ospitato numerosi eventi organizzati dall’Amministrazione comunale per festeggiare la novità e farla conoscere ai cittadini. La pedonalizzazione della piazza rappresenta il primo tassello del complessivo piano che riguarda l’intero quartiere dell’Oltrarno, un […]

Le vacche di Hegel di Giuseppe Corianò

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Cows Hegel Joseph Coriano

Writing a review is never as simple as it may seem, elements to consider are too many and different: the character of the author, the quality of the story, the style used, linguistic choices and characters and more; But when I get to review a book that particularly struck me and, […]