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Stories written by mariani
Director: Franco Mariani Franco Mariani, class 1964, journalist, Vatican analyst, one of the major historians of the flood in Florence 1966, he collaborates with several newspapers, television and radio, by numerous national and regional press offices. Began to work in journalism 1978, to 14 years, writing for some Catholic weekly. It is also expert in the International Festival of children's songs Zecchino d'Oro, also deals with cinema, television, show, Chronicle, and history of Florence. From 1993 also works on tv, and from the 2005 even on the radio. In journalism was the first editor-in-Chief of a journalistic Agency, He edited the first Teletext Rai regionale per la Toscana, The Teletext of Italy 7, and has directed three national newspapers. He collaborated with Rai, Rai Vatican, Mediaset, La7, Italia7; with some of these works still, as well as also cooperates with some Tuscan regional television stations. As an expert has participated in numerous national and regional broadcasts. Since the 1990s he has held various positions within the journalist profession, including national President of the College of Guarantors Catholic Italian press Union, Association recognized by the Italian Episcopal Conference, National Secretary of journalists press offices of the National Italian press Federation, Regional Secretary of Catholic Journalists of Tuscany, Regional Secretary of journalists press offices of Tuscany. He has published 5 historical books. For his professional achievements, at Easter 2012, He was appointed, Prince Carlo di Borbone delle Due Sicilie, Knight of merit of the sacred military Constantinian order of Saint George. He is the founder and President of Florence Promotes, already the Committee Pro Monumento ai Caduti del rione fiorentino di Ugnano.
A dicembre prezzi ancora in discesa a Firenze

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In December, prices still down in Florence

Continued decline in the index of consumer prices in Florence. For the sixth consecutive month, registering a minus inflation: the monthly change came on the fact -0,5 while in November was the -1%, while the annual change is the -0,7% (last month was the -0,2%). Down, compared to the previous month, the […]

Ci ritroveremo nel 2015: Auguri a tutti i nostri cari lettori

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We will meet in 2015: Best wishes to all our dear readers

Il settimanale La Terrazza di Michelangelo in occasione delle Festività Natalizie e di Fine Anno sospende le pubblicazioni. Il prossimo numero quindi non uscirà il 31 December 2014, but the 7 January 2015. Director Franco Mariani, assieme all’Editore e a tutta la Redazione augura a tutti i nostri affezionati lettori un Sereno e Felice Santo Natale e […]

Cardinale Piovanelli operato e in convalescenza

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Cardinal Piovanelli operated and in convalescence

Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli, Archbishop Emeritus of Florence last week was rushed to the Hospital of Careggi, where it was subjected to an operation for intestinal problem. Come scrive il suo Segretario “preghiamo il Signore e la Vergine Salute degli Infermi, perché il nostro amato Cardinale possa al più presto ristabilirsi e riprendere il suo ministero […]

25° anniversario omicidio di Antonio Cordone

25Anniversary murder of Antonio Cordone

Prepared by the "Committee From The Abel" , Friday, 26 December at 18 in the church of Santa Maria Primerana in Piazza Mino in Fiesole(FI) will be officiated a mass in memory of Antonio Cordone and all victims of crime, which all are invited to participate. The son Marco, fondatore del Comitato e […]

Firenze: Presepe in terracotta sul Sagrato del Duomo

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Florence: Nativity in terracotta on the esplanade in front of the Cathedral

During the Christmas period the churchyard of the Cathedral of Florence from 2011, by the will of the Cardinal Archbishop Giuseppe Betori, as opposed to the tree Christmas that rages for years alongside the cathedral, is set up a nativity scene with artistic terracotta statues Impruneta, life-size, handmade by an artist of Impruneta, Luigi Mariani, […]

Firenze 2015: omaggio alla Immacolata Concezione

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Florence 2015: tribute to the Immaculate Conception

The full text of the Supplication to the Madonna directed by Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, for the traditional tribute, the Loggia del Bigallo, in Cathedral Square, in Florence, on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This year also dedicated to the next national event, in the Tuscan capital, Italian Episcopal Conference of November 2015. Le riprese […]

“I due coniglietti” di Lattanzi e Pedroni

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“The two bunnies” Lattanzi and Pedroni

The book "The two bunnies" is the synthesis and essence of love for animals, that the two authors express authentically, penetrating in their deepest feelings. A novel unconventional, This is the first adjective that I would give this written. Due amici autori che si presentano con un libro ed […]

Oltre l’Apocalisse di Mattia Lattanzi

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Besides the Apocalypse of Mattia Lattanzi

Matt Lattanzi begins with this work woven between the thriller and fantasy, we are in an environment with truly apocalyptic scenarios, well descritti, which they reflect on the current context, of what in a more tenuous, you are living in this era. Abbiamo a che fare con un “virus” molto potente, al quale […]

Giulio Supino, italiano ebreo tra persecuzione e Resistenza

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Giulio Supino, Italian jew between persecution and Resistance

"Diary of the war that I fought. An Italian jew between persecution and resistance, "the book by Michele Sarfatti presented in the Regional Council. Supine, professor expelled from the University in 1938 because jew, pinned on some notebooks from 1939 al 1945 his impressions on the lives of those years in Bologna, le Vicende belliche, la persecuzione […]

9 novembre: torna la domenica del fiorentino

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9 November: back on the Sunday of the Florentine

Back to the Sunday of the Florentine, the day's free admission to civic museums for those born and / or resident in Florence and around. The 9 November, the event provides an extremely rich for young and old Florentine Civic Museums: Palazzo Vecchio will be proposed to the usual visits to the 'Traces of Florence', ai Quartieri […]