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Stories written by mariani
Director: Franco Mariani Franco Mariani, class 1964, journalist, Vatican analyst, one of the major historians of the flood in Florence 1966, he collaborates with several newspapers, television and radio, by numerous national and regional press offices. Began to work in journalism 1978, to 14 years, writing for some Catholic weekly. It is also expert in the International Festival of children's songs Zecchino d'Oro, also deals with cinema, television, show, Chronicle, and history of Florence. From 1993 also works on tv, and from the 2005 even on the radio. In journalism was the first editor-in-Chief of a journalistic Agency, He edited the first Teletext Rai regionale per la Toscana, The Teletext of Italy 7, and has directed three national newspapers. He collaborated with Rai, Rai Vatican, Mediaset, La7, Italia7; with some of these works still, as well as also cooperates with some Tuscan regional television stations. As an expert has participated in numerous national and regional broadcasts. Since the 1990s he has held various positions within the journalist profession, including national President of the College of Guarantors Catholic Italian press Union, Association recognized by the Italian Episcopal Conference, National Secretary of journalists press offices of the National Italian press Federation, Regional Secretary of Catholic Journalists of Tuscany, Regional Secretary of journalists press offices of Tuscany. He has published 5 historical books. For his professional achievements, at Easter 2012, He was appointed, Prince Carlo di Borbone delle Due Sicilie, Knight of merit of the sacred military Constantinian order of Saint George. He is the founder and President of Florence Promotes, already the Committee Pro Monumento ai Caduti del rione fiorentino di Ugnano.
Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

San Giovanni is a vòle deceptions. Expression that our grandparents used during a game when there was a hesitation to assign a point or victory; replaying, who won, relied on what was then called the Rule of St. John, as if to say that it would be good also the first, without being forced, to enforce the point or victory, a replay of […]

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

When the water arrives at the ass learns to swim. The water here is understood as fear, or those moments of need that can push us to do things that otherwise we would never have done. The Editors From the number 22 – The Year of 11/06/2014

Quando il caldo si combatte anche tavola

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When the heat he fights even table

To fight the big heat, arrived suddenly in recent days, and that will be with us for the next three months, it is advisable to follow a balanced diet, or without excess carbohydrates, fat or protein, then a slight power, but especially foods rich in moisturizers. So go ahead to fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins, water and […]

Il pesce, alimento da recuperare sulle nostre tavole

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The fish, to retrieve food on our tables

We continue our seas for our tables the wonderful fish, Low in fat, nutritionally rich, and especially, for its very affordable price, ideal for all budgets. We start from the horse mackerel, blue fish in the Mediterranean, also fished in the Adriatic, with very few calories, great for those who want to lose weight or stay in shape. White meat protein and very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, […]

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

Makes him as the’ cinci to an old or Member ago as the’ grandfather grandmother. Said Florence to highlight something of no efficacy. The Editors From the number 21 – The Year of 4/06/2014

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

June, la falce in pugno; se’ un è in pugno bene, luglio ne viene. Vecchio consiglio contadino che ricorda come il tempo giusto per tagliare il grano sia giugno, quindi né maggio, per paura che il caldo sole lo secchi, né luglio, quando ormai è già secco. The Editors From the number 20 – The Year of […]

La fotogallery campagna elettorale del vincitore Dario Nardella

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The Photogallery of the campaign winner Dario Nardella

Photogallery of the intense campaign of Mayor of Florence winner Dario Nardella. To see the bigger picture just click on it.                                                                         […]

Alimentazione o nutrizione?

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Nutrition or nutrition?

La parola Dieta infatti deriva dal greco “ Daita” e significa sano stile di vita. Purtroppo questo termine è stato trasformato in restrizione calorica e le persone che hanno intrapreso una dieta, si sono ritrovate ad un regime alimentare super ridotto e super frustrante. Per cui, terminato il periodo di estremo sacrificio e di notevole […]

Il mais per mantenere in forma il cervello

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Maize to keep the brain in shape

Il mais o granturco è un alimento molto nutriente, thanks to substances that contain. In fact this is the vitamin B1, which helps to keep in shape the activities of brain cells involved; il beta carotene, which delays the age-related eye degeneration; la vitamina b12 e l’acido folico che svolgono un’azione preventiva contro l’anemia causata […]

Papa nomina Cardinale Betori al Pontificio Consiglio per i Laici

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Pope appoints Cardinal Betori to Pontifical Council for the laity

Pope appointed Cardinal Francesco Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. The communication was given on Saturday by the press office of the Holy See. The Pontifical Council for the Laity is the ministry that assists the Pope in all matters concerning the contribution of the lay faithful make […]