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Arte Sacra: primo corso di scultura per artisti non vedenti e ipovedenti

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Sacred Art: first course of sculpture by artists who are blind and visually impaired

The first course of sculpture for the blind and visually impaired will be held in Florence from 13 al 25 next July. Director Master Anthony Visco. You Sergio Staino with his "Bobo" the testimonial of the first course of sculpture for artists who are blind and visually impaired. A cartoon of the famous designer presents this initiative born from […]

Biblioteche comunali, il mese di marzo è dedicato alle donne

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Municipal libraries, March is dedicated to women

The municipal libraries Florentine dedicate the month of March to women and they do it with a full program of events entitled "Traces of Woman. Worlds emotions narrated by women and men ". The goal is to describe the complexity of the female, the varied range of feelings that inhabit, the wealth of affective states tested […]

Uffizi: vietato da quattro mesi l’uso del selfie stick nel museo

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Uffizi: banned for four months the use of the stick in the museum Selfie

Also as a result of reports in some media, sometimes incomplete, the Directorate of the Uffizi Gallery reaffirms the visiting public that the museum is forbidden to use the stick considdetto Selfie, the telescopic metal rod at whose end is positioned smartphone for self-portraits (selfie), widening the field of view. The ban is in […]

A New York il Sindaco Nardella incontra il collega de Blasio

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In New York, Mayor Nardella meets fellow de Blasio

Institutional meeting with the Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio for Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella and the Deputy Mayor for International Relations Nicoletta Mantovani, during the mission to the Big Apple to promote cultural exchanges and investments to entrepreneurs and local investors. During the meeting with de Blasio, the Mayor reminded all artistic links […]

Mozione in Consiglio Comunale per il Cimitero degli Animali

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Motion in the City Council for the Cemetery of the Animals

The City Council at its meeting in lunerdì last unanimously approved the motion presented by the directors PD Leonardo Bieber, Fabio Giorgetti, Alessio Rossi and Cosimo Guccione, for the realization of a cemetery of companion animals in Florence. The Chairman of the Planning Commission Leonardo Bieber, first signatory of the motion, showed that this decision "is an act […]

Riapre a Firenze lo Chalet Fontana, dove Rosai e Pratolini facevano colazione

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Reopens in Florence Chalet Fontana, where Rosai and Pratolini ate breakfast

Concerts, meetings with the world of culture, the show, policy, science and art, food and wine events, piano bar, dj 'vinyl', jazz and more; all thanks to the historic Chalet Fontana, a few steps from Piazzale Michelangelo, that after almost three years of closure reopens. Completely renovated the interior and exterior space to bring back to the ancient […]

Firenze: mille nuovi posti di lavoro. Ingegneri, specialisti web e tecnici i profili più richiesti

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Florence: thousand new jobs. Engineers, web specialists and technicians profiles Popular

A thousand new jobs by 17 large companies operating on the Florence area in the next five years is the result of research conducted by the City and the Chamber of Commerce of Florence and Confindustria, presented at the Palazzo Vecchio in the Committee of large enterprises City subway, coordinated by Fabrizio Landi, economic adviser […]

Noi e la Giulia: incontro con l’attore e regista Edoardo Leo

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We and Giulia: meeting with the actor and director Edoardo Leo

Genus: Comedy Director: Edoardo Leo Cast: Luca Argentero, Edoardo Leo, Claudio Amendola, Anna Foglietta, Stefano Fresi, Carlo Buccirosso Diego, Fausto and Claudio are three forties dissatisfied and fleeing from the city and their lives, from complete strangers who are united in the enterprise to open a farm. They will join Sergio, a middle-aged man possessed […]

Presidente della Repubblica Mattarella prende la Tramvia a Firenze

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President Mattarella take the tramway in Florence

The Head of State Sergio Mattarella, after arriving yesterday morning in Florence, passing for Scandicci to attend the inauguration of the academic year of the School of the Judiciary, decided, to move to the periphery, to take the tramway. Waiting for the train station, the Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, who sat next to on the tram […]

Iscrizioni a scuola: a Firenze piacciono i licei

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Enrollment in school: Florence like high schools

8.378 school enrollment of First Instance, 8.005 high school: 20% Professional equal to 1.626 inscriptions, 26,7% technicians with 2.139 students, nearly 53% high schools equal to 4.240 students. "These are the first data relating to the entries in the metropolitan city - says the managing director at the School Giampiero Mongatti - on the basis of the information collected […]