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Prostata: nuovo laser per cancellare il dolore durante intervento

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Prostate: New laser to erase the pain during surgery

Turning, at least in Florence, nella cura e nel trattamento dell’Ipertrofia prostatica benigna (IPB), that implemented by Villa Donatello and the Cancer Center Fiorentino (CFO), that have adopted an important new technology called "Green Light". A green light that erases the pain, dissolves fear of surgery and a long post operative, e consente […]

Aumento tassa di soggiorno: Stop di Federalberghi Firenze

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Increased tourist tax: Stop Federalberghi Florence

"In our hotels in a year 6,776 million visitors: as it would make the City increased by 50 cents per night? And as it would be used this treasure?"The President will ask Bechi a meeting with the commissioners of Tourism and the Budget, you say: "Ready to dialogue". “Ci siamo dichiarati e restiamo fortemente contrari all’applicazione […]

Aumento tassa di soggiorno, De Ria: “Non possiamo scoraggiare così i turisti”

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Increased tourist tax, De Ria: "We can not put off so tourists"

"Download tourists on budget cuts is a short-sighted policy". Jacopo De Ria, President of Confcommercio Florence, intervenes in these words about the increase of 50 cents of the tourist tax. "I would like to remind our administrators that the city depends on Tourism. Ma una manovra di questo tipo finirà solo con lo scoraggiare […]

Lo sviluppo della meeting industry nella città metropolitana di Firenze

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The development of the meetings industry in the metropolitan city of Florence

Promote the development of the meetings industry in Florence is the purpose of the meeting place between the associations representing the tourism sector and the Florence Convention Bureau; a meeting that led to the establishment of a steering committee for the development of congress tourism, business and meeting industry, l’industria degli eventi, nella città metropolitana di […]

Al via i festeggiamenti per il 150 di Firenze Capitale d’Italia

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At the start of the celebrations for the 150 Florence Capital of Italy

The will del 3 February 1865, in a city brightly lit and packed by a crowd of senators, Deputies, civil authorities, military and ordinary citizens, King Vittorio Emanuele II made his entrance in Florence, just proclaimed the new capital of the young kingdom of Italy. The city had this role for just five years, but […]

Cardinale Betori parla in Consiglio Comunale

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Cardinal Betori speaks in the City Council

Monday afternoon in the Salon de 'Two Hundred in Palazzo Vecchio, during the traditional weekly session of the City Council, Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, handed over to the Mayor Dario Nardella, to the Board, the councilors and the Presidents of District the message of Pope Francis for 48 th World Day of Peace. "I thank Cardinal Betori for […]

6-8 febbraio: VIII edizione di Immagine Italia &Co.

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6-8 February: VIII edition of Picture Italy &Co.

Again Picture Italy &Co. aims at the international market as the leading trade fair in Italy Made in Italy for fashion underwear for women and men of all ages. There is also the participation of foreign exhibitors each from France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Slovenia, Latvia and Austria. In total […]

Piaggeliadi 2015: la mini-olimpiade tra scuole

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Piaggeliadi 2015: the mini-Olympics among schools

Was the 28 March 1995 when the torchbearer Moussa Fall, athlete distance runner who competes for AXIS Bank Tuscany, winner a few months before the silver medal at the European Indoor Championships, entered the old stadium Brozzi, accompagnato da quasi 400 children, that with the torch created for the occasion symbolically lit the brazier, giving factual, […]

Geotermia: la birra diventa rinnovabile al 100%

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Geothermal: beer becomes renewable 100%

To the table of products geothermal, that could already boast cheese, basil and salami, you add the beer plant "Vapors Beer" Sasso Pisano, in the town of Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, that a few days ago has put into production the new "renewable bottles" thanks to the geothermal steam Enel Green Power. Il birrificio fondato da […]

Teatro Nuovo diventa Teatro Alias

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Teatro Nuovo Teatro becomes Alias

The Theatre of the social club Arci Lippi, known until now as the New Theatre, becomes a new alternative cultural space of the city: “uno spazio non solo culturale ma anche sociale in una zona della città che si sta sviluppando – ha sottolineato la Presidente della Commissione Cultura e Sport del Comune Maria Federica Giuliani – […]