The generating miracles Catherine Ceccuti

La generatrice di miracoli"I can give you this gift, Teresa. And every time you will touch a sick, a dying or afflicted with your hands, it will recover from any suffering. Simply touch, Teresina, with the palm of your hand ".

A story of temptation and faith, miracles and suffering, Tuscany in the early twentieth century where demonic shadows overlook insidious: the novel by Catherine Ceccuti, entitled "The generating miracles" (Mauro Pagliai Publisher, pp. 132, euro 10), is a Gothic fresco that takes us back in time to evoke fears never silenced.

The author, Florentine class 1980, is a journalist and cultural animator. In 2013 published the book Voa voa!, dedicated to his daughter Sofia, and gave life with her husband Guido De Barros Voa Voa Onlus association for assistance to families of children suffering from rare diseases and neuro degenerative, gaining wide media attention.

His fiction debut comes from research carried out in periodicals circulated in the first half of the last century, especially those who devoted attention to the facts most unusual and curious.

Just like the story of Teresa R., protagonist of the novel, an elderly lady who lives in a dilapidated farmhouse in the Tuscan hills.

The journalist Riccardo Sirigatti, which is entrusted with a column dedicated to the supernatural, is located in interview, and what the busy reporter seems at first a "biography slow scrolling", turns unexpectedly in the intense evocation of an incredible adventure, the borders of reality, that the nun Teresa shares in his youth with his sister Lisa.

A story full of mystery, able to open scary questions about the existence of God and the Evil, and disrupting the disbelief in a crescendo of emotional tension.

With attention to historical detail and language conventions of the time, Catherine Ceccuti weaves the threads of an investigation into the paranormal, although fictional, appear as likely as emblematic and disturbing.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 45 – The Year of 24/12/2014