Maria Cristina Ogier. The happiest of my days

Short existence to this Servant of God, spent living with cancer, she was diagnosed as a child, yet a full life, adventurous, joyful now being told by the journalist of the newspaper The Nation in the book “Maria Cristina Ogier. The happiest of my days”, published by the Società Editrice Fiorentina, (168 pages, 12 euro).

A tale, to Moschella, that part by the expectation of parents, Gina and Enrico, longed for a daughter, and a love that is confirmed with the discovery of the disease, and especially in the ordeal of visits and treatments.

A short life, that has its fulcrum in the first school, then in the sacraments received from Don Giancarlo Setti, encounter with Padre Pio, pilgrimages to Lourdes, dreams in which he speaks with Jesus, and which continues, until the last breath, as a young student in the parish, groups of charity, for missions, up the idea to raise money to buy a boat to be sent to the Franciscan friars in Brazil, to use as a dispensary along the Amazon.

The name of Maria Cristina Ogier is also linked all'Unitalsi with which she, sick, that is at the service of other patients, and the Center for Aid to Life: the first of a series of centers now present throughout Italy, founded a few years after his death.

The center of Florence, now more active than ever, the premises of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, is born of inspiration for Maria Cristina, which of the commitment of the father in the battle against abortion asked him to deal not only with the weapons of politics but also with those of charity: “Dad, do not let these girls remain alone and lose their baby”.

Nel video l’intervista di Franco Mariani all’autore del libro, the fellow journalist Duccio Moschella.

Frank Mariani

By the number 43 – The Year of 10/12/2014