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Tanta gente al funerale del Senatore Francesco Bosi, già Sottosegretario alla Difesa

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Muaj coob tus neeg hauv pam tuag ntawm Senator Francesco Bosi, Tus qub Under-Secretary of State defence

Homily thiab cov commemorations ntawm cov pam tuag ntawm Senator Francesco Bosi los ntawm tus deputy tus kav nroog ntawm Florence Giovanni Pallanti, Tus thawj coj ntawm lub Chamber of Deputies rau. Pier Ferdinando Casini, Yog thawj coj ntawm thaj av ntawd Lubcany Thaj av ntawd Eugenio Gianio, Ntawm tus Councillor ntawm lub Municipality ntawm Florence Alessandro Martini. I funerali sono stati celebrati nella Basilica della Santissima Annunziata strapiena di […]

“Firenze anni Cinquanta”: l’epoca di La Pira e Bernabei rivive in una mostra

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"Florence fifties": tus era pyre thiab Bernabei relives nyob hauv ib qho exhibition

Thoj thiab kwm lub caij ntau txoj kev extraordinary uas pom hnub qub rau tus kav nroog Giorgio La Pira heev uas tau hnov los ntawm Florence nyob hauv lub 1950s: reconstruction thiab nroog expansion thaum yug los txog rau Haute Couture thiab cov championship thawj rau Fiorentina. Cov no yog revived tam sim no tus yees duab exhibition thiab cov nplooj ntawv hauv lub “Phau ntawv Journal of […]