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Firenze e il grande terremoto di 560 anni fa

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Florence and the great earthquake of 560 years ago

Among the many seismic tremors in recent months that have hit various parts of Italy is perhaps well remember the huge earthquake that struck Florence 28 September 1453 among the 5 and the 6 in the morning, 560 years ago. "A violent Jolt – as the Chronicles – rapid, that awoke in the heart […]

Quando a Firenze esistevano 7 stabilimenti balneari

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When in Florence there were 7 bathing establishments

In 1800 a Florence view, then, the excellent quality of the water of the river, There were several bathrooms, real bathing establishments equipped where the Florentines could go to cool off by jumping, without major problems, in Arno. The most popular was called "Vagaloggia", in front of where today sits the Palace Favard, American Consulate area. […]

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

Fiorentin mangia fagioli, lecca piatti e romaioli. Proverbiale espressione che potrebbe apparire offensiva, ma che invece attesta il forte gradimento del fiorentino nei riguardi del fagiuolo cucinato, tanto da giustificare l’atto ineducato, del ripulire con la lingua il piatto e il romaiolo. Editorial by the number 2 – The Year of 22/01/2014

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

When Monte Morello there has the hat, fiorentino piglia umbrella. Florentine said Meterological flavor. Usually clouds on the mountains north of Florence announce rain in the city and the plain. Editorial by the number 1 – The Year of 15/01/2014

I 104 Cardinali di Firenze

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THE 104 Cardinals di Firenze

Con la nomina a Cardinale dell’Arcivescovo di Perugia, Mons. Gualtiero Bassetti, they are 104 i Cardinali fiorentini diventati Principi della Chiesa. La cifra si ottiene sommando tre elenchi: quello di Vescovi e Arcivescovi di Firenze elevati alla dignità cardinalizia, il secondo riguarda i fiorentini di nascita, o sacerdoti della diocesi, divenuti Cardinali, il terzo è quello […]