Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts» sindaco (Nplooj ntawv 32)

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 14/32

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Patron San Giovanni Success ceremonies – video 14/32

On the occasion of tsiab peb caug 2014 San Giovanni Battista, Patron of Florence, lub koob yees duab ntawm lub limtiam La Terrazza di Michelangelo hauv Florence, Lawv raws li lub ntsiab txog ntawm pej xeem thiab kev cai dab qhuas ceremonies qhia Larry ua dab tsi twb tau tsim lawv cov Patron neeg dawb huv. Il Sindaco di Firenze e il Presidente della Società San Giovanni […]

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 13/32

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Patron San Giovanni Success ceremonies – video 13/32

On the occasion of tsiab peb caug 2014 San Giovanni Battista, Patron of Florence, lub koob yees duab ntawm lub limtiam La Terrazza di Michelangelo hauv Florence, Lawv raws li lub ntsiab txog ntawm pej xeem thiab kev cai dab qhuas ceremonies qhia Larry ua dab tsi twb tau tsim lawv cov Patron neeg dawb huv. Celebrazione dell’ora media in Battistero presieduta dal Cardinale Arcivescovo Giuseppe Betori […]

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 12/32

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Patron San Giovanni Success ceremonies – video 12/32

On the occasion of tsiab peb caug 2014 San Giovanni Battista, Patron of Florence, lub koob yees duab ntawm lub limtiam La Terrazza di Michelangelo hauv Florence, Lawv raws li lub ntsiab txog ntawm pej xeem thiab kev cai dab qhuas ceremonies qhia Larry ua dab tsi twb tau tsim lawv cov Patron neeg dawb huv. Le chiarine di Palazzo Vecchio rendono omaggio alla Reliquia del Santo […]

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 11/32

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Patron San Giovanni Success ceremonies – video 11/32

On the occasion of tsiab peb caug 2014 San Giovanni Battista, Patron of Florence, lub koob yees duab ntawm lub limtiam La Terrazza di Michelangelo hauv Florence, Lawv raws li lub ntsiab txog ntawm pej xeem thiab kev cai dab qhuas ceremonies qhia Larry ua dab tsi twb tau tsim lawv cov Patron neeg dawb huv. Tus kav nroog ntawm Florence, con il Gonfalone e la Famiglia di […]

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 10/32

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Patron San Giovanni Success ceremonies – video 10/32

On the occasion of tsiab peb caug 2014 San Giovanni Battista, Patron of Florence, lub koob yees duab ntawm lub limtiam La Terrazza di Michelangelo hauv Florence, Lawv raws li lub ntsiab txog ntawm pej xeem thiab kev cai dab qhuas ceremonies qhia Larry ua dab tsi twb tau tsim lawv cov Patron neeg dawb huv. Tus kav nroog ntawm Florence, con il Gonfalone e la Famiglia di […]

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 9/32

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Patron San Giovanni Success ceremonies – video 9/32

On the occasion of tsiab peb caug 2014 San Giovanni Battista, Patron of Florence, lub koob yees duab ntawm lub limtiam La Terrazza di Michelangelo hauv Florence, Lawv raws li lub ntsiab txog ntawm pej xeem thiab kev cai dab qhuas ceremonies qhia Larry ua dab tsi twb tau tsim lawv cov Patron neeg dawb huv. Tus kav nroog ntawm Florence, con il Gonfalone e la Famiglia di […]

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 8/32

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Patron San Giovanni Success ceremonies – video 8/32

On the occasion of tsiab peb caug 2014 San Giovanni Battista, Patron of Florence, lub koob yees duab ntawm lub limtiam La Terrazza di Michelangelo hauv Florence, Lawv raws li lub ntsiab txog ntawm pej xeem thiab kev cai dab qhuas ceremonies qhia Larry ua dab tsi twb tau tsim lawv cov Patron neeg dawb huv. Hais ncaj ntsaim Mariani shooting. Los ntawm cov xov tooj 24 – Lub xyoo […]

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 6/32

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Patron San Giovanni Success Ceremonies – yeeb yaj duab 6/32

On the occasion of tsiab peb caug 2014 San Giovanni Battista, Patron of Florence, lub koob yees duab ntawm lub limtiam La Terrazza di Michelangelo hauv Florence, Lawv raws li lub ntsiab txog ntawm pej xeem thiab kev cai dab qhuas ceremonies qhia Larry ua dab tsi twb tau tsim lawv cov Patron neeg dawb huv. Intervista al Sindaco Dario Nardella appena terminato l’incontro ufficiale con la […]

Firenze ha festeggiato il suo Patrono San Giovanni Battista

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Florence lom nws cov Patron neeg dawb huv San Giovanni Battista

Florence, kawg 24 Lub rau hli ntuj, Tshiaj tsab cai nws cov homage rau nws cov Patron neeg dawb huv dua ib zaug, San Giovanni Battista. Thaum sawv ntxov cov Deputation of San Giovanni Battista, For centuries, hauv koj haiv neeg ntawm cov organisation ntawm cov festivities, them cov homage kom dawb huv tej yam qub qab, Nws tug, rau zaub nyob ntawm Loggia del Bigallo, nyob rau hauv Piazza […]

Inaugurato a Firenze il Museo del Novecento

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Inaugurated hauv Florence lub Museo del Novecento

Grande folla allapertura al pubblico del Museo del Novecento in Piazza Santa Maria Novella a Firenze. Dopo il taglio del nastro da parte del Sindaco Dario Nardella, i visitatori si sono riversati nei 15 ambienti espositivi ad ammirare la collezione delle circa 300 opere ordinate in senso cronologico, tematico ed interdisciplinare, in un percorso […]