Tsev »Archives ntawm qeb»Trivia (Nplooj ntawv 38)

Carte ad arte alla Rondinella del Torrino con Cecilia Chiavistelli

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Ntaub ntawv nyob hauv daim duab ntawm lub Rondinella Torrino Cecilia Latches nrog rau

Siv daim ntawv ua tej hauj lwm ntawm daim duab yog ib tug txheej txheem zoo heev uas nws rov mus rau ntau hom kev ua kom nws cov versatility thiab intrinsic qualities lends. Hlais, Muab tshuaj, qauv, tsho tiv no, lawv muaj, ntub dej, xaws... ib cov kev tshawb fawb kom tsim thiab tsim cov khoom, sculptures thiab paintings nrog tus tuav ntawv. Cov no koj yuav […]

Corso per fotografi e fioristi organizzato dall’Arcidiocesi di Firenze

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Rau cov kev pab txog thiab cov txheej txheem ntawm ntawm lub Archdiocese of Florence florists

Liturgical Office ntawm lub Diocese of Florence muaj kev kawm kom tau kev pab txog, yees duab-tswv thiab muaj tus mob tawm lawv kev ua haujlwm thaum liturgical celebrations florists. Lub hom phiaj, muab qhov tseem ceeb ntawm cov moments rau txoj hauj lwm tus neeg thiab zej zog tseem Christian, yog yuav tob zuj zus rau tus nqi, lub ntsiab thiab richness ntawm cov kev muaj tiag sacramental (Yog […]

Emergenza storni: danni per 4 milioni di euro all’agricoltura toscana

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Kev hloov tsheb: hu plig rau 4 plhom los kev ua liaj/teb Tuscany

Tons 20,000 txog cov khoom uas agricultural poob lawm, nyob zoo 700 txhob muaj txiv quav ntswv nyoos, nplej, noob, Txiv apples, txiv ntoo qab zib thiab ntau ntxiv, yog economic puas xam pom tias thaum tshuav 4 plhom ib xyoo raws li qhov nyiaj uas Confagricoltura Tuscany ua tawm rau cov ntsiab lus uas tej qhov teeb meem loj los ntawm kwv yees li 5 tsheej lab ntawm cov starlings uas […]

Il Sindaco Dario Nardella per la prima volta in Moschea a Borgo Allegri

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Tus cob moos Dario N V thawj zaug nyob hauv mosque nyob Borgo Allegri

Ib lub xyoos tom qab tus kos npe rau ntawm tus Pact uas yog neeg Amelikas licas ntawm lub zos Florence thiab lub zej zog Islamic Florence thiab Tuscany, ua ntej thiaj nyob hauv ltalis, tus cob moos Dario Nardella mus rau lub Islamic Center of Borgo Allegri mus ncig zej zog Islamic ntawm Florence. Qhov no yog thawj zaug ntawm ib tug cob moos fiorentino ntawm tus mob […]

Provini a Firenze per il nuovo film hard di Rocco Siffredi con vista su Ponte Vecchio

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Auditions hauv Florence rau tshiab naam nyuaj los Rocco Siffredi overlooking tus Ponte Vecchio

Rocco Siffredi yuav tua ib zaj duab xis ib qho nyuaj rau cov Florence hauv lub peb hlis ntuj. Kom haum raws li tus shooting cov naam yuav ib chav tsev khoom kim heev, uas yog ib tug neeg fiorentino, tsis muaj tsev nyob hauv keeb kwm tsev. Tus saib, Rau ntxiv, yuav tsum exceptional, vim hais tias lub tsev overlooks Ponte Vecchio. Ncha moo filming lub xaav […]

Pasqua: in Quaresima 1 toscano su 3 aumenta consumi pesce, vendite +50%

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Easter: muaj thiaj tau qiv 1 Toscano ntawm 3 ntses noj qab, muag +50%

Nyob hauv thiaj tau qiv lub toscano ntawm peb qab kev noj cov khoom uas ntses, muaj muag dhau ib feem pua ntawm 30% tsis tas li ntawd, thiab nyob rau hauv cov Easter lis xaus kuj 50%. Tom qab cov Christmas thiab lub caij ntuj sov hnub caiv, Qhov no nws yog lub sij hawm peb xyoo thaum Italians noj ntau tus ntses khoom, Txawm […]

Il Senato ha commemorato solennemente i Sindaci Bargellini, Bausi, Lagorio

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Tus Senate muaj solemnly commemorated mayors Bargellini, Bausi, Lagorio

"Tsaug rau nqa hnub no ib daim Florence zoo nkauj nyob Senate. Kuv tau txais tus pog vim tham ntawm no nyob rau hauv cov Senate hauv kuv lub zos, muaj cov ntawm no lub gonfalone di Firenze, Thaum ib sab muaj coob tus phooj ywg, muaj coob tus neeg ntawm Florence, yuav tsum nco ntsoov peb poj Florentines yog hais tiag ib cim kev. Kuv ntseeg tias uas tsis tas li yuav tau nco […]

A Firenze convegno sull’ex Ministro Lelio Lagorio, una vita per le Istituzioni

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Florence kev sib tham nrog rau tus Minister Lelio Lagorio, rau tsev koom ib lub neej

Hnub vas xaum 18 Lub ob hlis ntuj, nyob rau hauv ib lub hlis thiab 12 hnub tom qab lub disappearance Minister qub thiab Parliamentarian Lelio Lagorio, nyob Palazzo Medici Riccardi, nyob rau hauv lub xeev, cov kev sib tham li “Lelio Lagorio, rau tsev koom ib lub neej”, los ltalis dawb dab. Vice President nyob rau hauv lub xeev, Tus kav nroog ntawm Florence nyob rau hauv 1965, thawj zaug ntawm thaj av ntawd Tuscany hauv tsoom txoov 1970, Minister ntawm […]

San Valentino: per 3 toscane su 4 la cena ideale è di pesce, in casa e con il partner come chef

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Valentine hnub: rau 3 Tuscany ntawm 4 zoo tagnrho noj hmo yog ntses, nyob rau hauv tsev thiab nrog koj tus hlub li ib tug kws ua zaub mov

Valentine hnub siv, tab sis, raws li nws raug lom/lom los ntawm cov poj niam: Candlelight, Italian npuas, thiab ntawm qhov rooj ntses khoom tsim los ntawm nws tus khub; yog qhov no, yam tsawg kawg hauv lub tswv yim txog peb tawm hauv plaub Tuscan, romantic noj hmo, yees duab los rau Federcoopesca-Confcooperative nyob rau hauv ib daim ntawv ntsuam xyuas los xij rau hnub Valentine. rau nws, cov ntawv qhia zaub mov yuav tsum cua thiab […]

È il Museo dell’Opera del Duomo il museo migliore di Firenze

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Cov tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm cov Opera del Duomo tsev cia puav pheej yog zoo tshaj ntawm Florence

Cov tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm cov Opera del Duomo muaj tsim zoo tshaj plaws ntawm kev ncig xyuas hauv Florence: lub striking tshwm sim los ntawm ib daim ntawv ntsuam xyuas los ntawm Sociometrica ib conto dell'Opera di emerges raug Maria del Fiore,thawj thawj zaug uas nais maum kuaj cov sentiment, tus ntawd yog tus yuav txiav, tshuaj xyuas cov kev hauv. Tshawb xyuas, uas tau tiav los ntawm kev siv […]