St. Ursula for three days open to the city

complesso di Sant OrsolaFrom 25 al 27 September comes the complex of St. Ursula reopens to the city thanks to a 'journey' of three days in the former convent of San Lorenzo with the project 'The City Inside San Lorenzo – St'o Open 'designed for Fiorentina Estate 2014 and presented at the Palazzo Vecchio with the presence of Planning and land use policies Elisabetta Meucci, Councillor for Public Works and works great Stefano Giorgetti, organizers and Studio Marangoni SantOrsolaProject of Hamburg with Marion, Judith Peaks, Joseph and Anna Toscano Grande and the Deputy Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini Paolo Zampini.

A three-day installations, Exhibition, reading, music and performances in the San Lorenzo district, and to the former convent of St. Ursula.

"St. Ursula back to life for three days, but we hope that this triggers a permanent vitality and can be the springboard for a transformation finally some of the complex - said the Councillor Meucci – The transformation provides a multiplicity of locations,, cultural, Sports, educational and public facilities that can make a place Ursula also useful for the context, that currently suffers from this situation. Today we stand at a crossroads because it is closing the call of the Province of Florence in the recovery and restructuring of St. Ursula - continued Meucci - We hope that this junction becomes a straight road towards the solution with the presentation of proposals that can be evaluated and eventually lead to the redevelopment of the complex and with large positive effects for a part of town that is very dear to this Administration ".

The journey starts at 16 of 25 September in Piazza San Lorenzo with a small ceremony that combines past and future, while a group of musicians will introduce the participants in the populous district, dove alle 17 – along with Collodi and Pratolini – will stop at the Central Market, to arrive at 18 e to Sant'Orsola, the notes of a violin and a cello, open the doors.

During the three days of the spaces of the complex will host concerts of classical and jazz music arranged by Luigi Cherubini Conservatory of Music in collaboration with Cam, Musical activity center Florence, photography exhibitions, internal and external to the architecture of St. Ursula organized by the Fondazione Studio Marangoni, the sound installation Re-Echoes from the walls by Tempo Reale, installations animalistic Daniele Nannini, il reading: Florence, the geometric brawl by Giorgio Manganelli edited by Marion of Hamburg and Goffredo Serrini, St'O talking about poetry readings and ramblings of Alexander with Dario Fo Ceccherini, the recital Of the wonders and sorrows of Saint Ursula (and his sisters impossible) on unpublished text by Elena Giannarelli edited by Marion of Hamburg and Goffredo Serrini, with the Company Travelers Fermi, the performance of Tai Chi Sunset and Dawn with the master Massimo Mori and international event of music and photographer The Smell of Dust.

The project covers the whole neighborhood with raids and spontaneous reading in the main shops of San Lorenzo, and a section INTORN_OFF consists of a network of events in other spaces of the neighborhood.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 32 – The Year of 24/09/2014