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Scoppio del Carro di Firenze 2024: accensione del fuoco santo nella veglia del Sabato Santo

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Scoppio del Carro di Firenze 2024: teeb cov taws ntawm lub vigil ntawm ntuj hnub Saturday dawb huv

Tam sim no li cas los 2012 Florence lub Scoppio del Carro muaj nws cov prologue rau u’ teeb cov taws ntawm lub vigil ntawm ntuj hnub Saturday at the hands of Cardinal Archbishop txog Florence Mons dawb huv. Giuseppe Betori. Tom 20,15 tus chij ntawm lub municipality, nrog tsev neeg ntawm Palace, assieme all’Assessore alle Tradizioni Popolari, Maria Federica […]

Mons. Alberto Gori, Francescano ordinato a Firenze, Patriarca di Gerusalemme dal 1950 al 1970

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Mons. Alberto Gori, Franciscan ordained hauv Florence, Patriarch ntawm Jerusalem txij thaum 1950 al 1970

Thaum vajtswv lub qhov muag dawb huv, lub qhov muag tsis tau tab sis tig mus rau lub teb chaws Holy., Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau hnub Friday, thaum twg los ntawm kev txiav txim siab papal, Txij thaum yexus los ntawm tej nyiaj pub dawb los txhawb tes haujlwm uas Yexus nyob thiab ua haujlwm, ENTRUSTED RAU TUS ME NYUAM FRANCISCAN TUS ME NYUAM. Ces, Peb Florentines, Cia li nyob Easter, […]