Merenda free for students from baker Ponte alle Mosse

lorenzo VulashiPer un mese tutti i bambini degli asili e delle scuole elementari di Firenze potranno avere grati la merenda grazie a Lorenzo Vulashi, young baker of Albanian origin, owner of "Bread, Love and Dreams Via Ponte alle Mosse.

For “help” the children to go on school desks with an extra boost, Lorenzo ha avuto l’idea di offrire, pulls a, free snacks to school children that will arise in his shop, from 15 September to 15 October.

Lorenzo has already begun to advertise its initiative with a series of posters, accompanied by the slogan of the idea: "We believe in the future and act in the present".

A sort of happy hour for the little ones with single servings of sweet and savory (cupcakes, pizzette, smash, fruit juices) for about 150 children, and with a value estimated at approximately 50 EUR per day.

"The idea of ​​a free snack was born because I love children very much, and I think it's the right thing to do. I've been thinking a bit ', then I let instinct take. There are things that if you do not do it now and you think about it too much, then you end up not achieve them ".

It is not the first time that Lorenzo idea such initiatives: this spring, his decision to give away free bread for six months for new mothers led him on national television Albanian; a way to meet those, with the arrival of one more mouth to feed, could find it difficult to make ends meet.

To have inspired Lorenzo in giving the name of the restaurant - but the party as bakery grown to include pasta dishes, confectionery, gastronomy and even catering, – è ovviamente l’omonimo film di Luigi Comencini , ma per il fornaio ogni parola ha un significato in più: the bread, che c’è ogni giorno; l’amore per il prossimo, e la fantasia per ideare e realizzare questo e tanti altri progetti.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 31 – The Year of 17/09/2014