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Stories written by Nicola Nuti
Al via i festeggiamenti per il 150 di Firenze Capitale d’Italia

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At the start of the celebrations for the 150 Florence Capital of Italy

The will del 3 February 1865, in a city brightly lit and packed by a crowd of senators, Deputies, civil authorities, military and ordinary citizens, King Vittorio Emanuele II made his entrance in Florence, just proclaimed the new capital of the young kingdom of Italy. The city had this role for just five years, but […]

9 percorsi tra i tesori artistici di Firenze

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9 paths between the artistic treasures of Florence

The jewels forgotten Oltrarno, the Roman Florentia and routes out of town are the theme of 9 Match-itineraries which in February, under the guidance of 'Enjoy Florence' and organized by Cooperativa Archaeology will lead to the discovery of artistic treasures of Florence and Tuscany, a journey among the masterpieces hidden and less known, in the company of […]

Madre Maria Agnese Tribbioli verso la causa di beatificazione

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Mother Mary Agnes Tribbioli towards the cause of beatification

The 27 February 1965 Mother Mary Agnes Tribbioli died in Florence, where he was born 20 April 1879. Professed religious and founder of the "Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker Pie", now present in various regions of Italy, in India, Brazil and Romania, Mother Tribbioli had at heart the evangelization and service of the most […]

Cardinale Betori: nelle carceri condizioni disumane

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Cardinal Betori: inhuman conditions in prisons

For Cardinal Giuseppe Betori "oppression and violation of human dignity take many forms in our society. Among them, the inhuman conditions faced by our prisons, which do not ensure the dignity of the person and the possibility of redemption to detainees ". “Si tratta – ha proseguito l’Arcivescovo di Firenze – di garantire condizioni di vita dignitosa […]

Umanesimo e carità, convegno Caritas sabato 24

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Humanism and charity, Caritas conference Saturday 24

"Jesus Christ the new humanism: the way of charity "is the theme of the conference diocesan Caritas, to be held Saturday 24 January to Calenzano, nel vicariato che in queste settimane accoglie la Visita pastorale del Cardinale Betori. The venue will be the space events St.Art, Via Garibaldi 7. “Il bisogno di un nuovo umanesimo - […]

Diffuso a Firenze Rapporto CISF sui 5 milioni di migranti in Italia

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Common in Florence Report on CISF 5 million migrants in Italy

Presented in the Hall of the International Centre teatina Students Giorgio La Pira of Florence Report 2014 International Centre of Family Studies. The report provides data relevant to the 5 million migrants in our country and at the same time, in collaboration with the Forum of Family Associations and Toscano Migrantes Office of the Diocese of Florence, gettato […]

Saldi: crescita del 10% secondo Confcommercio

Sale: growth 10% according Confcommercio

Good news from the front balances: according Confcommercio Florence, sales mark already +10% compared to last year. Data, considered the period we are living, are undoubtedly encouraging. Luciano Salani, President Federmoda Florence, is positive: "After the assault of the first three days, Now the race to the balances has suffered a slight setback. Ad […]

Presentazione Rapporto 2014 del Centro Internazionale Studi Famiglia

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Report Presentation 2014 International Centre of Family Studies

Toscano Forum of Family Associations, Centro Internazionale Studenti Giorgio La Pira ed Ufficio Migrantes di Firenze invitano venerdì 16 January to the presentation of the Report 2014 the International Centre for Family Studies to be held at 9,30 at the Centre La Pira. The meeting, entitled "The families facing the challenges of migration", intende al contempo gettare le basi […]

Polo Museale Fiorentino: 2014, un altro anno da record

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Museums of Florence: 2014, another record year

In line with national figures released yesterday by the Minister of goods and cultural activities and tourism, Dario Franceschini, in 2014 the Polo Fiorentino got a positive result in relation to the influx of visitors to museums. Compared to 2013, the museums of the Polo Fiorentino last year drew 5.583.259 visitors, — […]

CEI-Firenze 2015: è di 3 giovani fiorentini il logo scelto

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CEI-Florence 2015: is 3 young Florentines the logo chosen

It is the work of three young creative Florentine – Zeno Pacciani, Francesco and Andrea Minari Rate – that a few months have joined in a "creative farm" under the name of Borgoognissantitre, which is also the address of their study, the winner of the logo competition organized by the Italian Episcopal Conference for the National Congress that […]