Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts» segretario di stato vaticano

Comune di Firenze inaugura via Papa San Paolo VI a 55 anni dalla storica visita notte di Natale 1966

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Municipality ntawm Florence inaugurates ntawm Papa San Paolo VI 55 Xyoo vim hais tias cov historic Christmas hmo mus xyuas 1966

Thursday, 23 Hlis ntuj nqeg Municipality ntawm Florence, Ntawm lub tswv yim ntawm ib 55th ib ntawm nws historic Christmas mus ntsib Florence, Muaj ib txoj kev tom qab Pope St. Paul VI, Yug Giovan Battista Montini. Ntawm lub ceremony, rooj zaum ntawm tus Councillor rau Toponymy, Alexander Martini, Cardinals Giusepepe Betori tau tam sim no, Archbishop of Florence, che ha benedetto la […]

Dante: la corona d’oro di Papa Paolo VI da 56 anni “dimenticata” nel Battistero di San Giovanni

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Hnub tim: Cov yas golden yas ntawm Pope Paul VI 56 xyoo “Tsis ntev dhau los” St. John Baptistry

Heev ob peb nyob rau hauv Florence paub tias nyob rau hauv lub Baptistery ntawm St. John, nyob rau hauv qhov chaw zov me nyuam, rau pem 56 xyoo, è esposta una speciale Corona d’Oro, inviata da Papa San Paolo VI, Yug Giovan Battista Montini, come pubblico, e perenne omaggio al Sommo Poeta fiorentino, Dante Alighieri, nel luogo dove ricevette il sacramento del Battesimo, nascendo alla […]

Millenario Basilica San Miniato: 30mila presenze ma ora diventi Patrimonio Mondiale dell’UNESCO

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Millennial Basilica San Miniato: 30nplooj qhua, tab sis tam sim no yuav muaj qhov chaw cuab yeej cuab tam ntiaj teb UNESCO

tsis tas li ntawd 30 Txhiab tus neeg lom thaum lub sij hawm 12 Lub hlis Millennium ntawm lub Abbey ntawm San Miniato al Monte uas yog inaugurated rau 27 Tim 2018 Thiab uas yog lom nrog dua 50 txheej xwm ntawm artistic nrug, concerts, sib, Sablaj thiab phau ntawv nthuav qhia uas koom tes nrog lub nroog tseem. Lawv yuav nyob hauv lub cim xeeb […]

Il Cardinale Elia Dalla Costa presto Venerabile

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Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa sai Venerable

Cov cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Mons. Giuseppe Betori, Muaj cardinal Secretary of State Parolin, tus 2 Lub peb hlis ntuj, Rau lub clergy thiab journalists tam sim no nyob rau hauv lub Seminary tshaj tawm tias kawg ntawm lub hlis plenary ntawm lub Bishops thiab Cardinals ntawm lub Vatican Congregation rau cov neeg ntseeg yuav pronounce rau lub Heroic Virtues ntawm Cardinal Elia Dalla Costam muab cov lus txiav txim […]

Conferenza Stampa a tutto tondo del Cardinale Parolin Segretario di Stato Vaticano

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Nias sablaj ntawm txhua trades ntawm lub Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin

Txuas mus xyuas fiorentina, kawg 2 Lub peb hlis ntuj, lub Cardinal Secretary of State, Mons. Pietro Parolin, tuav ib lub rooj sib tham ntawm spirituality (pom peb lwm yeeb yaj duab featuring muab ib) rau lub zwj fiorentino, hauv rhiav, kuj qhib rau muam/viv ncaus thiab muab cov neeg, thiab muaj kev koom tes los ntawm ob peb journalists. Qhov kawg ntawm lub rooj sab laj, thiab ua ntej […]

Il Cardinale Segretario di Stato Vaticano parla al clero fiorentino

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Lub Cardinal Secretary of State hais lus rau cov zwj fiorentino

Kawg 2 Peb hli ntuj Cardinal Secretary of State, Mons. Pietro Parolin, Nws rau hauv seminar ntawm Florence rau cov zwj fiorentino thaum ib sab ntsuj plig sib tham ncaav tau los ntawm cov Archdiocese nyob “Evangelii Gaudium” Liv xwm. Ntawm lub rooj sab laj, kuj qhib rau muam/viv ncaus thiab muab cov neeg, Nws kuj kawm rau cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Mons. Yos Xes […]