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Alle Cascine apre la Casa dell’Arno

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Opens the Arno at the Cascine House

Did you know that the Cascine is the House of the Arno ? The House, Arno has taken the dove “Permanent Address” is a space dedicated to the Florentine river, inquire where, learn, curiosity and discover resources, including economic, water that flows through the city. The house was conceived as a place open to all who want to learn […]

Rinnovato il Patto di Gemellaggio tra Firenze e Reims

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Renewed the twinning Pact between Florence and Reims

TO 60 years from the signing of the twinning Pact between Florence and Reims, twinning the first ever signed by the city in the last century, the link between the two cities strengthens. Wednesday 2 July, the mayor Dario Nardella and fellow Frenchman Arnaud Robinet signed the renewal of the commitment would in 1954 by the mayor […]

La ricostruzione del Ponte a Santa Trinita in un raro film del 1958

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The reconstruction of the Santa Trinita bridge in a rare film of 1958

Seventy years from August 1944, when the retreating Germans blew up the bridges of Florence, and a large part of the historic center, the Archival Superintendency of Tuscany, along with the Tuscany Region, Fondazione Sistema Toscana and Historical Institute of the Resistance in Tuscany, present a rare and almost unknown movie, shot between the 1955 and […]

I nomi di battesimo a Firenze dal 1450 al 1900

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Baptismal names in Florence from 1450 al 1900

Presso il Centro Arte e Cultura dell’Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore è stato presentato mercoledì 18 giugno il libro del prof. Francesco Sestito “I nomi di battesimo a Firenze (1450-1900). Dai registri di Santa Maria del Fiore un contributo allo studio dell’antroponimia storica italiana”, per la casa Editrice SER ItaliAteneo. Sulla base dei registri battesimali […]

Gli stemmi della facciata di Palazzo Vecchio

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The coats of arms on the façade of Palazzo Vecchio

Looking at the facade of the Palazzo Vecchio you can not help but notice a number of coats of arms, located between the corbels supporting the balcony. Taking a little care you will observe that after a while 'coats of arms begin to repeat themselves, with a cadence every nine coats of arms, all different, mentre il decimo è […]

La fontana del Porcellino casa della fortuna

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The fontana del Porcellino Fortune House

In Florence, one of the most visited is certainly the Loggia del Porcellino, even if the real name is the Loggia del Mercato Nuovo, lodge which is located on the axis road tourist Cathedral - Palazzo Vecchio – Ponte Vecchio. This lodge was built in the mid-'500. It was originally intended for the sale of thirst and objects […]

La pietra dello scandalo alla Loggia del Porcellino

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The scandal at the stone Loggia del Porcellino

A curiosity of the Loggia del Porcellino, that actually is called Loggia del Mercato Nuovo, è la pietra dello scandalo, un tondo marmoreo bicolore bianco e verde, posto al centro. Questa pietra segnava il punto dove, nella Firenze rinascimentale, venivano puniti i debitori insolventi. La punizione consisteva nell’incatenare i condannati i quali venivano frustati sul sedere […]

Stabili le cause di nullità matrimoniali al Tribunale Ecclesiastico di Firenze

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Stable matrimonial nullity causes Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Florence

In 2013 in Toscana, the Ecclesiastical Court Regional Etrusco, based on Firenze, provisionally via Pierluigi da Palestrina 24, a Novoli, Single court for all the dioceses of the region, the grounds for invalidity of the marriage have been introduced 145, with a decrease of 6 causes compared to 2012, while the residual of the previous year […]

Al n 18 di Borgo Albizi il Palazzo dei 15 Visacci fiorentini

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To n 18 Borgo Albizi Palazzo dei 15 Visacci fiorentini

The number 18 di Borgo Albizu, stands an old Florentine-style palace. Belonged to the family of the Albizzi and Values, to Guicciardi and finally to Altoviti, he was nicknamed by the Florentines the Palace of Visacci. The name given by the populace derives from the fact that there have been carved into the facade, with the method of […]

Il ritratto del Cellini nascosto nel Perseo della Loggia dei Lanzi

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The portrait of the Cat hidden in the Loggia dei Lanzi Perseo

In Piazza della Signoria all’interno della Loggia dei Lanzi, così detta perché qui vi si accamparono i Lanzichenecchi nel 1527 di passaggio verso Roma, anche se qualcuno, erroneamente la chiama Loggia dell’Orcagna, perché per molto tempo si era creduto che il fratello di Benci di Cione, Andrea di Cione Arcangelo, soprannominato Orcagna, vi avesse lavorato, He finds […]