FIPE Tuscany: counterfeiting oil does not make the restaurateurs

fipe olio"The obligation to put on the tables of restaurants bottles of extra virgin olive cap with anti-topping - says Aldo Cursano, Presidente di Fipe Toscana e vice Presidente Vicario di Fipe nazionale – è un’onta per le oltre 100 thousand businesses. It is as if to avoid that there are drivers who exceed the speed limit were obliged to install on every car a speed limiter. Producers and bottlers must stop forcing us to tell us how to do business, Street Law, unnecessary and costly obligations that will become boomerang primarily for manufacturers of quality ".

Italian restaurants are an important terminal for agro-food production and for the extra virgin olive oil in particular.

According to the research department of the Fipe, a restaurant spends an average 3.800 euro a year for the extra virgin for the room. For 104 thousand restaurants in activity means an expenditure of 400 million euros.

The food quality has in 46% cases a cart of the oils with an average 4,2 dop oils which 1,1 biological.

Significant is also the presence of oils is not a designation: there are about average 2,4 to which are added 1,7 of biological origin.

"Investigation of the supervisory bodies - explains Cursano - documenting unequivocally that fraud on the oil can be made elsewhere, non al ristorante che anzi è esso stesso vittima di un sistema di speculazione messo in pratica da imbottigliatori e produttori senza scrupoli. Affrontare il problema con il tappo anti-rabbocco al ristorante è un’azione di depistaggio che contrasteremo in ogni modo. We are considering to undertake initiatives sensational as that of the virgin remove from the table and make it available only on request. Our suppliers must understand that the relations of production chain are built in accordance with our laws work not asking at our expense. "

Some facts about Tuscany opens a window on the interesting phenomenon of fraud.

The prosecutor of Siena has unmasked 300 tons of oil fake and arrested several people.

Secondo Coldiretti in Toscana c’è una presenza anomala di operatori oleari con 325 milling plants and well 721 bottlers.

Just for a comparison Puglia, which is the first Italian manufacturer of oil, has 163 plant and 140 bottlers.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 45 – The Year of 24/12/2014