The Bastard of Istanbul at Teatro Rifredi up to 15 March

4bastardaFor the first time ever, Elif Safak, undisputed star of Turkish literature, great connoisseur of the past and the present profound observer of his country. has granted exclusive rights to Pupi and Fresedde to stage one of his most famous novels.

The novel "The Bastard of Istanbul" bestseller worldwide, translated into more than thirty languages, whose central theme and is still burning that black hole in the consciousness of Turkey, namely the Armenian question of which this year marks the centenary.

The story tells us that Shafak binds the fate of Asya (the bastard), Turkish teenager rebellious and nihilistic who lives in Istanbul, to that of Armanoush, his contemporary, a quiet American of Armenian descent who lives in San Francisco and that, to find their roots, arrives secretly in Istanbul in the matriarchal family and colored her stepfather turkish Mustafa.

Attending Asya, his family and his friends, Armanoush you realize you do not hate all the Turks and, while not revealing the secret that unites the past of the Turkish family of Kazanci to that of Armenian Tchakhmakhchian, recognizes that despite all attempts to deny each other, Turks and Armenians are linked, mixed image itself Istanbul, seen as a large ship, multiethnic city and mestizo par excellence.

In the novel, the Western and Eastern traditions blend and highlight women's voices, minorities, subcultures, immigrants, of a whole world of ethnicities that formed the cultural heritage turkish and which sometimes seems that Turkey today tends to forget.

This wealth is also found in the eighteen ingredients dell'ashure, typical sweet turkish composed of beans, this, rice, wheat, almonds, pistachios, nuts, pomegranate seeds and other ingredients yet, giving precisely the title of eighteen chapters of the book.

As told Aunt Banu (Serra Yilmaz), about this dessert there is also a legend that dates back to the times of Noah and the Ark. For days they continued to navigate, and there was water everywhere. Soon the food became scarce and there was no longer enough to put together a meal. Then Noah ordered: "Bring everything you have!”. And so they did, animals and humans, insects and birds, People of different faiths, took what was left of their. Cooked all ingredients together, and so they prepared a large cauldron of Ashure.

Angelo Savelli, thanks to the steadfast commitment of the author and counting interpretation, at the same time ironic and passionate Serra Yilmaz, brings on stage this extraordinary family saga inter-ethnic, populated with wonderful female characters and stories burning, paginated in imaginative video-scenes of Joseph Boys.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 54 - Year II 04/03/2015

“The Bastard of Istanbul” From the novel by Elif Shafak (translation of Laura Prandino-ed. Rizzoli)
reduction and directed by Angelo Savelli
con Serra Yilmaz, Valentina Chico, Riccardo Naldini, Monica Bauco, Marcella Ermini, Fiorella Sciarretta, Dorothy Ophthalmologists, Elisa Giuseppe Vitiello videoscene Boys
costumes Serena Sarti
lights Alfredo Piras
scenic elements Tuttascena
assistant director Edoardo Zucchetti
stage technicians Elino Giusti and Cristiano Caria
we thank you for your cooperation Allegra Bernacchioni

Theatre Rifredi Tuesday 3 Sunday 15 March
(working hours 21:00- Sunday hours 16:30-Monday 9 rest)
Info: 055 4220361 -
Tickets: full € 14, reduced € 12
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 303 – 50134 Florence


